How to Caucus for Aurin FAQ
A Minnesota DFL caucus is a gathering of neighbors who are members of the DFL Party. These neighbors, called caucus attendees, gather to talk about politics and elect a smaller group of their neighbors to represent them at a number of higher-level conventions. These conventions then elect party officers and endorse candidates running for mayor, city council, park board, and board of estimate & taxation.
Our “Goal” is to have the MOST delegates for Team Aurin!
The ultimate goal is to Re-Elect Aurin Chowdhury, sending her back to City Hall for Ward 12!
Aurin Chowdhury getting the DFL Endorsement is a pivotal moment in achieving this goal
The first step to achieve the endorsement is to have caucus goers (YOU) become delegates during the caucus to then vote for Aurin at the Ward Convention to earn the DFL Endorsement.
If there are fewer people who want to become delegates then there are delegates to elect, then everyone who wants to become a delegate gets to be one. If there is a contest, then you start to do “sub-caucusing” to elect delegates.
There is also the option of being elected as an “alternate.” Alternates are “back-up” delegates in case some of the delegates don’t show up to the convention.
Precincts (and other units) get allocated delegates based on a formula that is intended to estimate how many Democrats live in an area by using how many people voted for high-profile races like President, Senator, Governor, etc. Basically, the more populated and more Democratic your area is, the more delegates you get.
Up to 400 delegates go to the Minneapolis DFL Ward 12 Convention, elected from our 12 precincts in Ward 12.
Okay, this is where things start to get a bit complicated. The concept behind sub-caucusing is to try to get proportional representation for various candidates, rather than having a “winner take all” situation. It works like this.
Everyone stands in a different section of the room in their “sub-caucus,” which is based on a candidate (or Uncommitted) and can optionally include an issue), such as “Candidate A - Health Care.”
There is a “viability” threshold, which is the threshold needed to elect one delegate. For a simple example, suppose there are 100 people present and you get to elect ten delegates. You would need ten people to elect one delegate, so that’s the viability threshold.
Any sub-caucuses that are smaller than the viability threshold are eliminated, and the people in those sub-caucuses need to join other sub-caucuses.
Each sub-caucus is assigned delegates based on how many members they have, and then the sub-caucus elects delegates. You also need to achieve gender balance as much as possible.
Good to remember, if there are fewer people who want to become delegates then there are delegates to elect, then everyone who wants to become a delegate gets to be one. If there is a contest, then you start to do “sub-caucusing” to elect delegates.
The biggest way to help out is attending your Precinct Caucus!
Being a voice in the room to support Aurin!
Encouraging others to join you in being a Team Aurin Delegate!
Any campaign swag/materials you might need
Arrive at Sanford Middle School at 6:30pm! You’ll Register and Check in at front desk!
After Registration and checking in, Locate your designated Precinct room
7pm (Sharp!) Caucuses will begin!
The Precinct Chair will begin the program
Equity and Inclusion Statement will be read, Instructions will be read
The Precinct convener will announce and calculate how many caucus attendees there are in the room
Every precinct has a number of Delegate spots that are available for caucus attendees to elect themselves for.
Group will decide how to vote for delegates (written ballot, show of hands)
If there are more people wanting to become delegates than there are available spots, there will be a delegate election (More details on this above)
After the Delegates are elected, they will fill out certificate forms.
If any, resolutions will be presented
Adjournment and turn in Delegate certificate forms!
FINALLY: Show up to convention SATURDAY, MAY 3RD, 2025 (Location TBD) AND